LED Lighting
Jan 15th 2018
LED lighting is becoming increasingly popular for the home environment and for good reason. There are a lot of advantages to switching to LED lights, which is why more and more people are looking for LED lighting fixtures in our online store. If you are considering making the switch in your own home, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages as well as some of the drawbacks (and how to overcome them!) before you make the change.
Advantages of LED Lighting
They can save you money on your energy bill.
LED bulbs can provide just as much illumination in your home using less energy than a traditional bulb. That means they are using less energy to light your home, so you aren’t paying as much on your monthly energy bill. You might be surprised at how big the savings can actually be; lighting a Christmas tree, for example, could cost you around $10.00 for just over a month. Lighting that same tree for the same period of time with LED bulbs would cost you about $.30. Now imagine the difference it will make in your whole house! While LED bulbs can be a slightly larger initial investment as compared to traditional bulbs, they can actually end up paying for themselves over time as your energy bill drops.
They are better for the environment.
Because the bulbs use less energy, they are more environmentally friendly. The more energy you use in your home, the more natural resources it takes to create the needed energy. When you cut down on your home’s energy consumption, you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint. That’s not the only way that LED lights are eco-friendly, though. Because they last for so long, fewer resources are used to make the bulbs in the first place and less waste ends up in the landfill. That makes them a lighting choice you can feel good about making.
They are more durable.
Traditional bulbs work thanks to a fine filament that creates an electrical connection within the bulb. If that filament is knocked out of place, the bulb won’t work, and that filament is a delicate thing. Plus, traditional light bulbs are made from very thin glass, meaning there is little chance of you dropping them and them surviving the impact. But LED bulbs are built of sturdier stuff and don’t rely on the filament connection. So while they aren’t unbreakable, they stand a far bigger chance of making it through a fall. That means fewer broken bulbs and less waste around the house.
They don’t emit Infrared or Ultraviolet rays.
LED lights don’t emit either infrared or ultraviolet rays. This is important for a couple of reasons. First, some people find they have a sensitivity to these emissions; it might cause headaches, visual disturbances, or migraines. LED lights can provide safer, less harsh lighting that’s free from these rays and easier on them. Secondly, the lights don’t emit these rays in part because they don’t create any heat. The lights are safe to touch and handle even when they’ve been on for a long period of time. That makes them easier to change, but it also makes them safe to use in spaces where heat is an issue. They also work better in colder conditions, making them a good choice for cold storage and other chilly spaces that need good lighting.
They offer more flexible lighting solutions.
You can do so much with LEDs! They work great with dimmer switches (although you might have to change your dimmer control if you are changing from traditional lights to LEDs; some dimmer controls won’t work with both). LEDs can be dimmed to as much as 10% of their total lumen output, where traditional bulbs can’t be dimmed nearly as much. Also, LEDs are used in smart lighting devices. These lighting fixtures can be controlled with your phone or other internet-connected device and give you options like different color schemed based on your mood and activity. The options there are virtually limitless!